Individual Counseling Couples Counseling Trauma PTSD Anxiety Grief Attachment Issues Communication Issues Fears/Phobias
We offer the telehealth services for residents of North Carolina, Nevada, and Washington State.
Ryan offers consultation services to providers seeking to enhance their skills in treating PTSD, Complex PTSD, and trauma-related symptoms. These sessions can be conducted individually or in a group setting. The consultation emphasizes the implementation of advanced trauma interventions, including EMDR and parts work (other modalities as well), while fostering a deeper understanding of trauma and its complexities. Ryan also offers Trauma education trainings to organizations such as law enforcement, first responders, and other mental health agencies.
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing helps process memories and allows healing to occur. It helps the brain to join the dots of a neural network so that it recognizes an event as in the past rather than still occurring in the present.
A well-known humanistic approach to psychotherapy prioritizing emotion and emotional regulation as the key organizing agents in individual experience and key relationship interactions.
Explores how one’s childhood experiences might impact their ability to form meaningful bonds as adults. Through inner-child work the therapist helps you to ‘re-parent’ that version of yourself with empathy, patience, and compassion.
21000 Torrence Chapel Rd
On the corner of Torrence Chapel and Knox Road. Parking is in the back and can be accessed by either road.
Located on the Torrence Chapel side of the building.
Come on up
At this time our offices are only accessible by stairs.
Make yourself at home
Follow the hallway and look for this room to your right. Take a seat, get comfy, help yourself to complimentary coffee and your therapist will be with you shortly!
Ready to schedule or have questions? Call the number above or message us using the 'contact us' form in this section. *Contact is for non-emergency communications*